At Design Management Solutions, our goal is to meet your needs with Customized Design and Engineering Services. Each one of our clients has an unique need and Design Management Solutions prides itself in offering services that are tailored to exactly supply what you, our client, needs. There is no one size fits all approach, instead we understand the various nuances of the industry and have developed the solutions you need.
Every architect knows that their sub-consultants can make or break a project – one fails and we all fail to your owner. However, no one has the time or fees in projects to manage the various disciplines, ensuring projects are scheduled correctly, or information is coordinated correctly. Design Management Solutions can provide the solution to this problem. We can handle any or all of your engineering needs. With our cooperative of engineering professionals Design Management Solutions has found a way to procure quality but cost effective engineering resources.
• Engineering Procurement Method
• Turn Key Design and Construction Resources
Whether it is a brand new building or simply leasing out a space, Design Management Systems can provide you with all the design and construction needs you may have. Wouldn’t it be an additional sales point to be able to offer your current and prospective clients with full turnkey design and construction services. Many prospective tenants or building owners have no idea where to start when it comes to design and construction and would welcome a team that not only helps them achieve their real estate needs, but also the design and construction requirements.
Design Management Solutions will assist you and your client in determining the space needs and formulate a plan to achieve the most efficient route from signing lease to final occupancy.